Peter & Amy watching their puppy Hank by Corinne S.
And of course I continue to spend plenty of time with Maple, The Adorable. We go for walks and to the dog park when I'm not swimming or working late.
A few Sundays ago I went to the Marymoor off-leash park for the first time with my friends Pete and Amy and their 6 month old lab Hank. Maple has been to that park before on her "Big Dog Walks," but I had never been.
It was also the first time Maple and I met Hank. When we were there, Hank proved to be a serious water dog with a deep love of fetch.
Maple, on the other hand, shied away from the deep water. Instead she found her boy twin (in a darker shade) and they bonded with typical pug-go-round games.
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