Yummy baby

This week the baby is about the size of an avocado, according to BabyCenter.com's fruit-oriented size comparisons. This is an especially pleasing size to me since I'm a big avocado fan. Just remind me not to eat the baby.
My belly is starting to show a bit and my pants are getting tighter. Now that we're officially 4 months in, it might be coming up on time for me to start wearing maternity pants. But I'm still in that awkward transition phase where I mostly don't need them and they feel funny and tend to be a little big (or just fit really oddly) so I will probably continue to push the boundaries of my pants a little longer. ;)
To learn more about what little "Blueberry" is up to developmentally this week, check out Your pregnancy: 16 weeks on BabyCenter.
PS> I stole this picture from Becca's Baby Blog.
16 weeks already! Nice!~ When is the ultrasound to find out the sex of Blueberry? I can hardly stand the wait! ~ Sally
Our fetal survey ultrasound is scheduled in two weeks. If all goes well (i.e., baby isn't crossing his/her legs defiantly), then we'll know the gender after that. But maybe we'll keep it secret just to torture you. ;-)
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